Inspiro Photography WordPress Theme

Download Inspiro Photography WordPress Theme now!

Inspiro Fullscreen Photography WordPress Theme by WPZoom

Inspiro theme is a professional photo-focused theme with a modern design. Packed with features including a fullscreen slideshow, widgetized homepage and gallery module, Inspiro is perfect photography theme for showing off your images.

Some distinct features of Inspiro Photography Theme:

  • Theme Options Panel
    With our advanced Theme Options Panel, you can easily customize every detail of your theme to best suit your needs.
  • Slideshow with Video Support
    Showcase photos and video using the easily configurable homepage slider.
  • Gallery Module
    Create a gallery of your photos or a portfolio of your work using the gallery module.
  • Unique Widgets
    Use the Portfolio Showcase and Portfolio Scroller widgets to create unique homepage layouts.
  • Responsive Layout
    Inspiro theme boasts a fluid, responsive layout, so your website will display perfectly across mobile devices. Images and galleries scale up and down seamlessly when resizing the browser window. No matter what the resolution or screen size, every detail will look perfect and professional.
  • WooCommerce Ready
    Install WooCommerce and have your online shop up and running in minutes.
  • Fullscreen Video (with mobile support)
    A unique feature was added in version 1.2. You can now upload your own videos and have them automatically played in the background.
  • Sliding Sidebar
    You can create your own sidebar using available widgets. The sliding panel works fine on mobile devices too, and it will display at the site navigation.
  • Widgetized Homepage & Unique Widgets
    Inspiro theme’s homepage uses multiple custom widgets, allowing you to order and customize them as you want. Add as many widgets as you want and configure them individually. You can also configure the homepage to include the slideshow at the top and your latest blog posts below it.
  • Hero Banner
    A new feature was added in the version 2.0 in the Single Page widget from homepage. It allows you to use the widget as a hero banner, displaying the featured image as background.

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As a responsible entity, we encourage our users to respect intellectual property rights and adhere to licensing agreements. Our platform advocates for the use of legitimate software obtained through official channels to ensure security, functionality, and legal compliance.

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